Mobile App Consultation

Since we started building mobile applications a long time ago, our teams have become so good at it that they have been consulting businesses of all types and sizes on how to do that. From actually coding the apps to device compatibility and from performing app audits to modernization plans we provide consultation about the complete process of developing mobile apps. An entire department is dedicated on iOS development consultation that provides you the crucial depth-itelligence required for developing applications for Phones, iPads, Macs, Apple TVs, and Apple Watches. Our main goal is to empower you to lead your Native app development. If it is android apps, is again the combination of Languages, Frameworks, Libraries, components & toolsets that we focus on for your needs. Following of international standards, guidelines and best practices for code and testing is uniformly implemented across our organization. This enables us to give you the best advice on every aspect of the development like coding styles, material design guidelines, keeping the code minimal, use of API and any element that smoothens up your development journey. The most requested consultancy is for

  • Dividing code into short & focused units
  • Document dependencies
  • Using third-party libraries & version control tools
  • Code portability
  • Unit testing
  • Maintainability index (MI)
  • Scalability 
  • CI/CD setup

We specialize in the following tech for iOS dev and its functionality

Objective-C, Swift, JS, Reactive Cocoa, RxSwift, URLsession, Testflight, XCTest, Detox, CircleCI, bitrise, CICD, Appmetrica, AppCenter, SQLite, MS Azure, AWS, Firebase, GraphQL, REST.API, Apple Pay, Google maps, iCloud Drive, Apple Maps.

For Android Dev and its functionality

Java, Kotlin, Android SDK, ionic, RxJava, custom view components, firebase, dagger2, TestFlight, Gradle, circleci, AppMetrica, Flurry, App Center, SQLite, Amazon Dynamo DB, Azure SQL database, Google Cloud SQL, Google Cloud Datastore.

Rather than going into too much depth of these on this page, you consider the budget and funtcioanlity of the OS your are looking for and the rest is on us. We shall guide you on every point of every phase. Do you agree that the UI/UX, security and API development are the points where you get confused on the vast number of options? It applies on all the 3 phases, whether launc, modernization or audit of mobile apps.

In cross-platform, we have the highest expertise in React Native and have been following the developments in that technology since 2015. It is more efficient to build in React Native than in Apache Cordova because of the specific tools offered e.g Expo, React Navigation, Redux persist etc. At times, the business owners and sometimes even the CTOs are unsure on what the frontend development and backend integration tools offer them as compared to other technologies for the coding of their app. The exact differences depend on the client’s requirement but React Native is popular among programmers due to the UI kits (Native base, React Native elements) and testing tools (Jest, Enzyme, Detox). B2B and B2C, both type of clients get consultancy on apps that are

  1. Cross device compatible
  2. Without limitations of performance or memory
  3. Of low battery and network consumption


We counsel you on the advantages of utilizng React Native. Prototyping can be done quickly because there are readily available components and native modules. Xamarin development is for mobile apps that run on both devices (iOS, Android) and it is good option if you want to go for higher functionality. However, we suggest to use the C# based tool for cross platform development that are complex.

 Similarly, other risks are low while programming Web apps. The planning and UI/UX design take 25% of the time of the entrie development project. Once that is initiated, the major portion is backend development and then the frontend development. We brief you on every step so that you understand how to develop and manage aspects like Lead Time/Cycle Time, release burndown, code churn etc. Similarly, cloud migration and quality assurance are to done in a way that results in a seamless transition of the project into a high-performance digitalization tool that is secure and sustainable. Advisory on integration of the software infrastructure via custom APIs is also given to clients in order to give them the power to manage their software as they want. This includes the use of CI/CD pipeline for deployment. Your journey does not end there, we give you support 24/7 for any evolution required. What are you looking to have? A Web app, a web portal, or web-based services?


The consulting service offering for mobile applications development is particularly focused on making you consistent in delivering high-end mobile apps. You will not find any other consulting process that will entirely deliver decades of knowledge and experience to your staff so that they are trained in each aspect of developing an application. There is separate documentation for every aspect e.g the modules estimation, selection of frameworks, components, and other development tools and secure and scalable design of architecture. Our past *CLIENTS* are a source of pride for us because through us they accomplished operational optimization by a factor of 3. *CONTACT US* if you fall in any of the following categories and want to know how to scale up your mobile applications development.