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Business Intelligence – Quality Assurance System

Client Introduction

Stylers International is part of the one the largest denim exporters of Pakistan producing huge quantities daily. With new challenges always at hand, the client is always in pursuit of the latest technological advancements and technology.A 23-Year-Old Guy Is Already A Bodybuilding Prodigy & Easily The Best Our Generation Will See clenbuterol pills anadrol hunger, anadrol bodybuilding dosage – rightmart 精採

Problem statement

The client has multiple data entry points around the plant where all the operational data is entered into the system. With all the data at hand, clients face a hard time figuring out the right analytical information and generating meaningful analytics.

  1. Unable to generate meaningful information from the data available
  2. Using excel to generate analytics and time taking and requires a lot skill
  3. Unavailability of real time analytics

All these factors limits the factory from

  1. Unable to make decision based on the data
  2. Unreliable analytics
  3. Greater cost of data Analytics and right decision making


The BI team at edraak engaged with the data management department to implement Power BI and developed easy to use, readily available graphs and charts for the client. This helped the client in

  1. Do consistent analytics
  2. Identify and cut down costs with the help BI Reports
  3. Improve overall working efficiency

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