Process Quality Control – Realtime Width Measure banner image


Process Quality Control – Realtime Width Measure

Client Introduction

Nishat is one of the largest textile exporting groups in the country where they are known to be the top 3 exports of pakistan. Major part of their daily production involves huge quantities of fabric which is used in the garment and home textile industry.

Problem statement

One of the faults that has a rapid occurrence in the fabric production unit is inaccurate width of the medium produced. to ensure this operator has to measure the width of the fabric every 50 meters and this results in

  1. Slow process of data entry
  2. Higher chances of Error
  3. Missing measurements

and all these factors result in

  1. Higher cost of the quality control
  2. Unreliability of data
  3. Consumption of paper


The technical team at edraak developed a custom built solution to capture width information in the realtime and link it with fabric length value. This implementation helped our clients to 

  1. Speed up the quality assurance process.
  2. Ensure accurate quality control
  3. Paperless operations
  4. Real Time availability of information

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