
Computer Vision – Eagle Eye

Client Introduction

Stylers International is part of the one the largest denim exporters in Pakistan producing huge quantities daily. With new challenges always at hand, the client is always in pursuit of the latest technological advancements and technology.

Problem statement

To ensure the right sizes of the goods produced. Each piece is measured individually by the operator and then data is entered into the system. This overall results in 

  1. A Lot of Manual Work
  2. Lower Accuracy
  3. High chances of Human Error
  4. The slow process of data entry
  5. High Paper Usage
  6. Multiple chances of Incorrect data entry
  7. Unavailability of instant information
  8. No visual record of the garments produced.

All these factors result in

  1. Chances of shipping incorrect goods to the customer
  2. Delayed decision-making
  3. Incorrect Data
  4. the greater cost of data management or recording


The technical team at edraak evaluated the problem and proposed a solution to cater to all the scenarios identified by the customer. Edraak used industrial-grade cameras to capture photos of the garment and at the same time measure the garment. This results in 

  1. Reducing measuring time
  2. Ensured all garments are measured accurately
  3. Measurement accuracy near 2mm.
  4. Automatic Reporting and linking with the ERP
  5. Paperless operations


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